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Discussion: Group therapy

Discussion: Group therapy

THERAPIST: First off, Tiffany, I want you to know how really glad we are that you’re here. There’s a lot that we do here that I think would be very good for you. Can I tell you about them? TIFFANY: Sure. THERAPIST: One of the services that I’m really excited about is the Teens First program we offer. It’s been open a little less than a year, but it’s already doing great things. TIFFANY: What does it do? THERAPIST: Well, it’s really the only organization of its kind. It provides treatment to women who’ve been in your type of situation. That’s the only group we treat. TIFFANY: My situation? Why don’t you just say what you mean? I’m a whore. THERAPIST: That’s just it, Tiffany. We don’t see you that way. Young women who’ve been arrested for prostitution, we see them as victims of human trafficking. You’re not a criminal. You’re a survivor. TIFFANY: I don’t understand why I have to be here. I was fine where I was. I want to go back with my boyfriend. THERAPIST: The one named Donald? TIFFANY: Yeah. THERAPIST: You said he was acting as your pimp. You said he bought you from someone else. Is that what a boyfriend does? TIFFANY: I think it’s great you have all these services. But I don’t need them. THERAPIST: Well, that’s something that I definitely want you to talk to me about over the next several weeks. The plan is for you and I to meet alone a couple times a week. And we’ll also meet in a group with some other young women like yourself. TIFFANY: There’s no one like me. ©2013 Laureate Education, Inc. 1
Bradley Family Episode 1 THERAPIST: You’re right. There is no one like you. I just meant other young women who’ve gone through similar experiences. You also get three meals a day. They’re pretty good, actually. Healthy. And a room to sleep in. And then there’s a case manager who will talk to you about jobs, going back to school, what you might want to do for a living. It’s really a great opportunity. TIFFANY: I want to go to college. Design clothes. THERAPIST: Well, that’s great. I think that sounds really, really good. So do you want to see your room?

Group therapy is one of the most successfulinterventions for adolescents. This is because of the nature of thisstage of development and the need to belong to a group. Hearing thestories of other teens and knowing that their experiences and feelingsare similar is very therapeutic. Another characteristic of theadolescent stage is a short attention span, so the clinical socialworker should tailor exercises that initiate and sustain discussion foradolescents.
For this Assignment, watch the “Bradley” video.
Ina 2- to 4-page paper, identify two opening exercises that you mightrecommend for a group of adolescent girls who were victims of humantrafficking.

Describe the exercises in detail so that another social worker would be able to implement them.
Explain ways these exercises might be effective in creating a comfortable environment for these teenage girls.
Support your rationale with the literature. For example, what doesthe literature say about teenage girls who have been arrested forprostitution/human trafficking and who openly discuss their experiences?
How do these exercises promote group cohesion and encourage these teens to talk openly?

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