Writing Through Literature/Thomas
Guide for Presentation and Guide for the Audience
I. Guide for the presenter
Time: about 3 minutes
You should not READ your paper. You may use notes. You may use slides.
? State the title and author of your primary source.
? Summarize your own thesis, and give at least one passage from the story that supports your
? State the title and author (=first and last names: Ernest Hemingway) of your secondary source.
**Please remember that when you later refer to any author, use the authors LAST name
(that means hes Hemingway, not Ernest!).
? Use visual aids if you want; if you use slides, keep them simple, and be sure they are
scrupulously proofed for grammatical errors.
? Be prepared to take questions.
Your audience is interested in what you have to say, so:
? Remember to breathe.
? Convey interest and enthusiasm in your topic.
II. Guide for the audience
? Pay attentionno smart phones visible, please.
? Take notes and be prepared to ask each presenter at least one question.