Title: Leadership Paradox
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Professors Name:
What is the leadership paradox? Give some reasons why a leader can encounter difficulty in newly formed teams or groups using a participative management system. Support your discussion with at least three (3) external sources
It is observed that a leader’s presence within a particular team is considered quite vital. However, it is also crucial to note that a leader’s presence is also considered a threat to organizations as well as a group. This is what is regarded as a leadership paradox. Due to this factor, individuals have been in a position to raise a lot of concern on the significance of having a leader and also the way over which teams need to carry themselves while they are managing their day to day operations in case of absence of a leader. Therefore, leadership paradox is generally considered as a challenge that is facing most of the leaders, and it is believed to have adverse effects on leaders such as role conflicts, lack of confidence as well as declining to surrender to power (Gunderson, 2006).
When leaders are handling newly formed teams, there is a higher tendency that there are set to face a lot of difficulties since team members might have a perception that they want to influence their leaders. It can pose a significant challenge more so in the case the team was formed without the consent of the leader. For instance, in the case the leader acts against their will, he/she is going to face a lot of resistance, which may hinder him from attaining his goals or from conducting his duties (Runde & Flanagan, 2012).
Present a discussion of the strategies for encouraging participative management in the workforce, and how to implement each of these strategies. Support your discussion with at least three (3) external sources
Another term that is used to refer to participative management is known as employee involvement. This is an idea which calls for the motivation of the employees in their various job groups to ensure that they do contribute when it comes to contributing to strategies and policy development, idea implementation as well as problem evaluation. Several different approaches are used within a particular organization when it comes to promotion of participative management include motivation of the employees to give ideas as well as a suggestion in the suggestion boxes. The other approach would involve encouraging staff members to participate effectively in terms of setting organizational goals. Another thing is that the management should be in a place to ensure that they do motivate the staff in terms of giving their ideas and suggestions. Finally, sharing a company’s information is also considered as a move that is going to enhancing participative management.
What dangerous biases or misassumptions do groups that are involved in inter-team conflict sometimes experience? How do these biases and prejudices affect the ability of teams to accomplish their goals? Support your discussion with at least three (3) external sources.
Concerning discrepancies, we are in place to note that it can get worse, whereby it can cause inter-team conflict among the members. The move to take the categorization of individuals is more likely to lead to an escalation of favoritism among groups. Group favoritism is considered to contribute to unattractive stereotyping, which has got a negative effect on group performance. Cognitive biasness, on the other hand, is more likely to the leader to a negative perspective among individuals (Robinson & Rose, 2004).
. Cognitive biases result in a person relating good individual traits to all supporters in a team and ignoring their undesirable conduct and equally attribute negative personalities to the different groups (Gunderson, 2006).
Gunderson, D. (2006). The leadership paradox: A challenge to servant leadership in a power-hungry world. YWAM Publishing.
Robinson, G., & Rose, M. (2004). A leadership paradox: Influencing others by defining yourself. Challenge Quest, LLC.
Runde, C. E., & Flanagan, T. A. (2012). Building conflict in competent teams. John Wiley & Sons.