Special Issue Comparative Legal Reasoning:
Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Samuel
Williams, Toni Preface …………………………………………………………………………….. 1 Glanert, Simone Celebrating Many Geoffreys …………………………………………… 2 Legrand, Pierre Foreign Law As Self-Fashioning ……………………………………… 6 Ost, François (Re-)Learning to Think About Law From Cases ……………. 45 Monateri, P G Dominus Mundi: Land, Sea and Global Sovereignty ………. 61 Del Mar, Maks Imagination in Legal Thought: Abilities, Devices and
Their Comparative Histories …………………………………………. 76 Bell, John Consequential Reasoning in France ………………………………. 94 Werro, Franz The Swiss Federal Tribunal and Its Pragmatic Plural-
istic Method ………………………………………………………………… 109 Pichonnaz, Pascal Interpretation in Multilingual States: An Opportunity … 124 Bottomley, Anne One Pattern of Juridical Migration at the Limits of
Land (and Common) Law……………………………………………. 142 Muir Watt, Horatia Foreign Life-Forms and Laws Ethics of Difference
(A View From Private International Law) ……………………. 161 Samuel, Geoffrey On the Beach: What Can Beaches Reveal About Legal
Reasoning and Legal Categorisation? ………………………….. 187
Special Issue: Transparency Challenges Facing China
FU Hualing, Palmer, Introduction: Selectively Seeking Transparency in Michael and ZHANG China …………………………………………………………………………… 203 Xianchu ZHANG Xianchu Transparency Challenge to Chinas Socialist Market
Economy ……………………………………………………………………… 216 CHEN Yongxi Taming the Right to Information: Motive Screening
and the Public Interest Test under Chinas FOI-like Law ……………………………………………………………………………… 236
PENG Chun The Shadow of Transparency: Defining, Debating and Deterring Vexatious OGI Requests in China ………………… 268
SUN Ying and Selective Openness: An Evaluation on Open-Door ZHANG Xiang Legislation in China ……………………………………………………. 293
HUANG Yue Hearing and Public Participation: A Failed Revolution or a Successful Distraction? …………………………………………. 307
GAO, Henry The WTOs Transparency Obligations and China ………… 329 CHEN Yongxi and The Transparent Self under Big Data Profiling: CHEUNG, Anne SY Privacy and Chinese Legislation on the Social Credit
System …………………………………………………………………………. 356 LI Ling Transparency, Propaganda and Disinformation:
Managing anticorruption information in China ………. 379 HAN Rongbin Supervising Authoritarian Rule Online: Citizen
Participation and State Responses in China …………………. 397 ZHU Han and FU Hualing Transparency as an Offence …………………………………………. 417
Conner, Alison Courtroom Drama, Chinese Style ……………………………. 437
Husa, Jaakko Global Law and Comparative LawAllies or Adversaries? ……………………………………………………………. 461
WANG Faye Fangfei Online Dispute Resolution: Best Practices in Comparative Perspective ………………………………………… 4