See the attached word document. The paper must be written to the Rubric.
Social Security Paper (4-6 pages)
Research the development and administration of the US Social Security program. Include its history, current structure, and calculation of benefits; also, include other benefits available through the program.
1. Word process using a standard font with font size 12.
2. Double space the assignment.
3. All four margins should be set at one inch.
4. Title page includes student name, instructor’s name, course number, assignment topic and date.
5. While paper length is a graded component the body (paper text) of the assignment for full credit will be a minimum of 4 ¾ pages in length not to exceed 6 pages.
6. Page ordering of Assignment: title page, body of assignment & works cited sheet.
7. When necessary provide a Works Cited Sheet. Any material quoted, referenced or paraphrased must be adequately cited. Refer to the APA style manual for guidelines on citation. For your convenience; writing resources and tutorials are available under Course Resources in our online classroom.