SOC 505: Seasons of Marriage: Fall and Winter Worksheet
Complete the worksheet using The Four Seasons of Marriage. You will be responding to questions regarding two seasons: Fall and Winter. Citing two to four scholarly sources, your responses should total of 900-1,100 words and be written in APA format for all of the questions regarding each season. Use your own words in questions 1 3 of each topic rather than simply quoting or paraphrasing the text’s descriptions. A Reference section will be located at the end.
The Fall Season of Marriage
1. Describe the “Fall” season of marriage. (150-200 words)
2. How do people get into this season? (150-200 words).
3. How do people get out of this season? (150-200 words).
4. What are three things that you can learn from the Fall season of marriage. (150-200 words).
5. Describe some examples of the Fall season of marriage from your personal experience of people you know. (150-200 words).
6. From a Christian worldview, describe some strategies that you might implement to address the Fall season of marriage. (150-200 words).
The Winter Season of Marriage
1. Describe the “Winter” season of marriage. (150-200 words).
2. How do people get into this season? (150-200 words).
3. How do people get out of this season? (150-200 words).
4. What are three things that you can learn from the Winter season of marriage? (150-200 words).
5. Describe some examples of the Winter season of marriage from your personal experience of people you know. (150-200 words).
6. From a Christian worldview, describe some strategies that you might implement to address the Winter season of marriage. (150-200 words).