Read, reflect, and respond to this mini-scenario by answering the questions which follow it: You are the chief negotiator for your global company from America. Today you are negotiating with the chief negotiator from a company in the local culture that your company will be expanding to. You want the local company to begin manufacturing a powdered detergent that your global company has been very successful with. The company in the local culture has been producing another type of soap product and has demonstrated success with this product which is liquid soap. Your job today is to convince the chief negotiator and his team that switching to the powdered detergent and discontinuing the liquid soap product would be beneficial and profitable.
Part I: You need to write 990-1650 words (or 3-5 pages) on the following elements:. Describe the setting in which the negotiations will take place. You may choose a culture (country ) that the local company is in. Provide some demographic description about both the global company from America and the local company in the culture (country) you have chosen. Provide a brief description of the background of both negotiators.
Part II: You need to write 990-1650 words (or 3-5 pages) on these questions. What global and local negotiation skills do you need as the chief negotiator from the global company and what global and local negotiation skills would be needed by the chief negotiator from a company in the local culture that your company will be expanding to? Explain why it is important that negotiation skills of the opponent be understood. What are the cultural expectations and leadership skills needed by both negotiators for conducting this type of meeting? In what ways would the cultural expectations and skills be different if the meeting was not a negotiation? Please explain. In order to negotiate effectively, communication styles must be considered. Describe the communication styles needed by you as the chief negotiator from the global company and also by the chief negotiator from the local company .
Part III: Explain how you would plan to evaluate the results of this negotiation. What metrics could be used?