Response to reverse logistics
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Response to Amircal Webb
I agree with the document on return management being the same with reverse logistics, and they refer to the process of movement, storing, and the processing of goods returned. Reverse logistics is associated with various problems, including the cost, which may be higher to return the good than having to send the products. Lack of training to buy some organizations on how to handle returned goods is challenging (Masudin,2017). There are also procedures to be followed by goods being returned, and information about returning goods can be missing. Returning goods can harm the company’s reputation, profitability, and customer service. The goods returning process must be in a conducive way and impact positively, especially in the customer’s service and satisfaction. I agree with the document that reverse logistics is about damage control and making the process friendly to the customer.
Response to Gary Yamauchi
I agree with the document on reverse logistics, which is the same as returns management, which is true to say that it is one of the costliest components in a business operation. Via the statistics, it is right to say that 20% of products are always returned hence making a business incur an added cost of $ 1.50 every $ 1.00 returned (Masudin,2017). There are also other problems associated with goods returned which are intangible considerations that are part of the returned goods. Some of them include if it was a return with cash and of the customer received the right amount of money. Another factor is the company or organization policy, for example, which holds the keys to the safe, and incidences with counterfeit money. Some companies have accepted a culture in which they don’t take everything back, and if they allow, the packaging must be intact.
Masudin, I. (2017). Supply chain management and reverse logistics. UMMPress.