PED 138 Week of 4/6/2020 Assignment
Create Your Own Step Pattern & Video:
After viewing the two Step Aerobics videos by Jenny Ford that I sent you the last two weeks, and after viewing the Step Aerobics instructional video that I created for you, you now have a better understanding as to what Step Aerobics is (hopefully!).
1. You will create a 32-count pattern that you will write and video-tape.
2. Your 32-count pattern (phrase) will consist of four 8-count Step movements of your choosing.
Your video will include:
1. An introduction of who you are and what you are going to teach.
2. Music with appropriate beat (anywhere from 128-136 bpm). You can figure out the beat of your chosen music by counting the number of beats for 6 seconds and multiply that number by 10 (to equate 60 seconds), or for 10 seconds and multiply that number by 6 (to equate 60 seconds). Its similar to finding your Resting Heart Rate (RHR), only you dont have to count the beat for as long because, usually, the beats in a song are consistent unlike your heart rate!
3. You will teach your 32-count (four 8-count movements) pattern THREE times in your video.
4. Please be creative with your movements! Use anything from the Jenny Ford videos, my video, or come up with your own!
5. Please remember that you dont have to have a step! You may teach your video on the floor, as well.
6. Please be sure to have PRACTICED your pattern before actually video-taping. It should look clean and well-practiced not necessarily perfect, but looking like youve practiced it thoroughly.
7. When you teach your pattern, please include the names of your movements and the number of times youre doing them as you teach. Please show good form and try to stay with the beat of your music!
8. At the end of your video, have a conclusion (i.e. Thank you for watching my step video. Or Thats my step pattern for this week. Or ).
9. You may use your written portion as notes to keep you on track.
Your written portion will include (similar to what youre teaching in your video above):
1. An introduction.
2. What music youre using (the name of the song, the artist, and the BPM).
3. The names of the movements youre using.
4. A list of your pattern movements in the order that you teach them.
5. With each movement in your list, please include the number of counts (see below).
6. A conclusion at the end.
Example of the written portion (NOT to be copied!):
My name is Kristy Pollatz, and I am going to teach a fairly simple Step pattern. This pattern will include four 8-count movements to total a 32 count phrase
The music Im using is a Step Aerobics CD called Winter Make It Pop by YES! Music. All the songs have a consistent 132 bpm.
The four movements that I will include are: Right Basic, Left Basic, Kicks Corner to Corner, Hamstrings Corner to Corner, and Over the Bench.
Here is my Step Pattern (32 counts total):
1. One Right Basic (4 counts)
2. One Left Basic (4 counts)
3. One Kick Corner to Corner Each (8 counts)
4. One Hamstring Corner to Corner Each (8 counts)
5. Over the Bench and Back (8 counts)
Total Counts = 32
Repeat 3x total
Thank you for watching and participating in my Step video!
Video Points:
-Introduction = 2 pts
-Music (Title, Artist, BPMs) = 3 pts
-Names of the Four Step Movements = 4 pts
-Teaching Your Pattern 3x (cuing, staying with the beat, good form, etc) = 9 pts
-Conclusion = 2 pts
-Total Points = 20 points
Written Points:
-Introduction = 2 pts
-Music (Title, Artist, BPMs) = 3 pts
-Names of the Four Step Movements = 4 pts
-Teaching Your Pattern 3x = 9 pts
-Conclusion = 2 pts
-Total Points = 20 points
Total Points:
-40 points
This assignment is due no later than Monday 4/13/2020. No late assignments will be accepted!