Order 2228255: Addictions
Question 1
Addiction is an elastic concept, which has been defined in various ways. The definition of addiction is founded on very diverse approaches that has historically emerged and variously shaped our views of the role of the substance or the object of addiction, the user and the sociocultural context of use.
To complete this assignment, you need to explore the website of two major mental health and addiction institutions:
the National Institute of Drug Abuse of the National Institute of Health (USA) at:
and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (Canada) at:
Using information that is available on the two websites, you should:
1. Describe how addiction is defined within the two institutions (please do not copy and paste the definitions but present a comprehensive synthesis of it);
2. Present the approach on which these definitions are founded for each institution;
3. Discuss the strengths and limitations of the vision(s) that are promoted by these institutions (i.e, what dimensions of addiction they consider, and what dimensions are left out).
Question 2
To complete this section, you are requested to read the following reference: Becker, H. (1953). Becoming a Marihuana User. American Journal of Sociology, 59(3), 235-242. (I have attached as a second file)
1. Compare the position that was put forth in Beckers paper to the position that is adopted in the Brain disease model, by contrasting major similarities and/or differences;
2. In your opinion, what is the potential impact of these two conceptions of addiction (sociological and brain disease model) on stigmatizing or marginalizing the user or the addict?
Must be 3-5 pages double spaces