IT Management
Harrisburg University Project 01 (100-Points) ISEM 547
1. Create an IT functional organizational model diagram (Block diagram). Secondly, use the following tables to describe each core functional and at least three associated sub-functional areas. Define the services provided by each functional area and the total staffing complement for the IT Organization.
IT Functional Area
Functional Area Descriptions
Staff Complement
Enterprise Security
IT Functional Area
Functional Area Descriptions
Total Staff Complement
Enterprise Applications
IT Functional Area
Functional Area Descriptions
Total Staff Complement
Infrastructure & Operations
IT Functional Area
Functional Area Descriptions
Total Staff Complement
Compute Services
2. IT Organization Staffing Matrix: use the following tables to outline the staffing needs for each of the IT organization by core functional areas. Define at least three IT Job Titles for each core functional area.
Enterprise Security
IT Job Title
Years of Experience
Education Requirements
Functional Area
Enterprise Applications
IT Job Title
Years of Experience
Education Requirements
Functional Area
Infrastructure & Operations
IT Job Title
Years of Experience
Education Requirements
Functional Area
Compute Services
IT Job Title
Years of Experience
Education Requirements
Functional Area