HRM 522
Module 1 Discussion
Anthony Johnson posted Apr 12, 2020 1:09 AM
· What position/positions in your organization are accountable for workplace relations in your organization? What impact do they have? What programs are in place to impact relations at work? Provide specific examples.
Work relations have a major impact on the performance and productivity of individual employees as well as that of the entire organization. In our organization, the HR manager is seen as the one accountable for workplace relations. This is because the manager is able to engage the employees in disputes resolution process and ensure that they are able to work well with each other (Subramanian, 2017). Apart from the HR manager, there are the HR specialists who work alongside the managers in the formulation of policies that guide the behavior of employees and how they relate with each other. In addition, the supervisors who are in constant contact with the employees have a key role in enhancing workplace relations within the organization. This enables them to deal with the day-to-day issues that affect the people. There are various programs that have been put in place to impact work relations within our organization. Such programs include team-building and facilitating constant communication among the employees (Tanwar & Prasad, 2016). These programs are aimed at ensuring that the employees are willing to work closely with each other in as much as they are able to communicate openly with the managers across all the levels of the organization.
· If you were an HR manager in a private-sector organization, what key programs would you implement to improve employee-employer relations? Why?
Understanding the importance of having strong employee-employer relationships ensures that effective measures can be put in place to enhance this relationship. Clearly, such a relationship has the potential to enhance the attainment of success within an organization (Tanwar & Prasad, 2016). This is because strong employee-employer relations improve productivity and efficiency of employees, minimizes conflicts among employees within the organization, and boost loyalty among the employees. There are different programs that would help improve employee-employer relationships within an organization. One key program that I would implement is team building because I believe that it works. Through teambuilding activities, employees across all levels of the organization are able to work together in solving various tasks. In addition, teambuilding can be a way of enhancing trust among the employees and those in managerial positions (Subramanian, 2017). Another program that I would implement would be company events and meetings where people are able to spend time together and share ideas. This would ensure that the employees and managers are willing to engage in effective communication that helps solve the issues that arise in the workplace.
· How would you determine the added value of your programs?
The assessment of my programs success would be based on its effectiveness in achieving the desired outcomes. I would consider the program to be successful if it fosters a friendly work environment where employees are willing to engage in open communication with the employers (Tanwar & Prasad, 2016). In addition, the effectiveness of the dispute resolution process would be a key factor in determining the effectiveness of the program.
Tanwar, K., & Prasad, A. (2016). Exploring the relationship between employer branding and employee retention. Global Business Review, 17(3_suppl), 186S-206S.
Subramanian, K. R. (2017). Employer Employee Relationship and Impact on Organization Structure and Strategy. International Journal of Innovative Trends in Engineering (IJITE), 43(27), 39-45.