Essay in epidemiology
Task description (2500 words)
Select one public health activity from the following:
· Health Policy
· Health Promotion
· Measurement of Population Health
· self-isolation or quarantining for COVID-19
Discuss the application of the selected activity to one of the following groups :
· Forced migrants (in Europe)
· People who inject drugs (in Australia)
· Indigenous peoples (in any part of the world)
· ONLY FOR THOESE ANSWERING THE COVID-19 QUESTION – any group in the population
Prepare an essay that discusses the application of the selected public health activity or approach to the selected group. Start your essay with a section that demonstrates your understanding of the selected public health activity: techniques, aims, strengths and limitations. Then compare and contrast various ways that approach applies to the selected group in in the geographic area prescribed. Use clear examples and evidence. Use the examples to highlight the public health principles and priorities, the way they have been applied and the health outcomes, in the country you are focusing on. Ensure that you support your statements with relevant evidence.
Notes on the Criteria
Criterion 1
Clearly identify the public health activity/approach and its application to the selected group in a particular part of the world
Criterion 2
Demonstrate understanding of techniques, aims, strengths and limitations of the activity
Criterion 3
· Demonstrate understanding of the various ways the activity/approach applies to the selected group.
· Think about whether the application is always appropriate for this group. How does it frame the issues / improve or limit understanding of the issues? What aspects of the approach (as listed in C2 above) are most or least useful?
Please note that the above questions are suggestions only you do not have to address all of these questions (or indeed any you may find other questions that are better)
Criterion 4
Find and refer to clear and appropriate examples and evidence that applies to the group and country that you have chosen. ( Do not limit your literature search to PubMed.). The way that you use these examples will also have a bearing on Criterion 3 above and also on Criterion 5 below.
Criterion 5
Well-developed argument, logical flow of ideas. Statements are supported with relevant evidence. The argument/conclusion are meaningful/significant. Your argument should clearly express the public health principles and priorities involved and the health outcomes that result
Criterion 6
Make sure that your main point is clear and summarise the pillars of your argument.
Mention major implications evidence gaps if there are any. Areas where more (or a different type of) evidence might be useful.
Criterion 7
Be sure that your essay conforms to the required word length (2500 words – excluding references and in-body citations). Accurate spelling and grammar. Appropriate academic language and expression (non-sensationalist, unambiguous). References where necessary, using a system consistently.