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ENG 147: Pro-Con position Paper

ENG 147: Pro-Con position Paper

Pro-Con Position Paper Grading Rubric – 175 pts

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome


5.0 pts

Meets length requirement

0.0 pts

Does not meet length requirement

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Point Analysis

30.0 pts

The central idea is develope d and expanded with depth of critical thought.

25.5 pts

The central idea is discer nible and develo ped.

22.5 pts

The central idea needs more developme nt with points tying back to the thesis.

18.0 pts

The central idea is not develope d, and the analysis lacks critical thought.

0.0 pts

No effo rt

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome


30.0 pts

The writing support s claims with several detailed and persuas ive exampl es. The paper effectiv ely demons trates academ ically credible researc h includin g two peer-re viewed resourc es to support the claims and exampl es.

25.5 pts

The writing support s claims with example s, but addition al analysis or example s could strength en the argume nt. Peer-rev iewed and academi c level resourc es are present, but could be strength ened through number and use to support claims and example s.

22.5 pts

The writing supports claims with examples , but the examples are not well-deve loped or examined . Additiona l examples and analysis are needed to make the argument more persuasiv e. Some quality research is present, but overall effectiven ess and reliability in research and support are not fully demonstr ated.

18.0 pts

The centra l idea is not well-s uppor ted by claims and/or exam ples. Credi bility in resear ch and resour ces has not been well establ ished to suppo rt claims and exam ples.

0.0 pts

No eff ort

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Counterp oint

30.0 pts

The paper effectiv ely introdu ces counte rpoints by establi shing credibi lity of source s and detailin g the eviden ce from the source s and presen ts conces sions of the counte rpoints .

25.5 pts

The paper introdu ces counte rpoints by establi shing credibi lity of source s and detaili ng the eviden ce from the source s and presen ts conces sions of the counte rpoints but may need to strengt hen analysi s.

22.5 pts

The paper introd uces counte rpoint s but may not establi sh credibi lity of source s or detail the eviden ce effecti vely or may not presen t conce ssions .

18.0 pts

The paper does not introdu ce counte rpoints clearly, omittin g the credibi lity of the source s or providi ng little detail of the eviden ce No conces sion is presen t or the conces sion is ineffec tive.

0. 0 pt s

N o eff or t

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Organiza tion

30.0 pts

Paper is clear and cohes ive. Introd uction and concl usion suppo rt the overal l flow of the paper.

25.5 pts

Pape r is basic ally clear and well- orga nized with a mini mum of non-r elate d mate rial prese nt.

22.5 pts

Pape r has some issue s with clarit y, flow, and cohe sion. Pape r lacks orga nizati on.

18.0 pts

Paper lacks organi zation and has difficu lty stayin g on track. Centra l theme s are difficu lt to identif y.

0. 0 pt s

N o ef fo rt

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Revision & Refinem ent

10.0 pts

The writing reflects the feedback received from instructor.

0.0 pts

The writing does not reflect feedback received from instructor.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Writing: Mechani cs & Usage

10. 0 pts

The writ ing is free of maj or err ors in gra mm ar, spe llin g, and pun ctu atio n that wo uld det ract fro m a cle ar rea din g of the pap er.

8.5 pts

The writi ng cont ains a few maj or erro rs in gra mm ar, spel ling, and pun ctua tion, but the erro rs do not detr act from a clea r read ing of the text.

7.5 pts

The writi ng cont ains som e maj or erro rs in gra mm ar, spel ling, and pun ctua tion that nee d to be addr ess ed for a clea rer read ing of the pap er.

6.0 pts

The writ ing con tain s sev eral maj or err ors in gra mm ar, spe llin g, and pun ctu atio n that imp ede a cle ar rea din g of the pap er.

0 . 0 p t s

N o e f f o r t

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Clarity & Flow

10. 0 pts

Th e wri tin g co nta ins str on g wo rd ch oic e tha t cla rifi es ide as an d ma ste rfu l se nte nc e var iet y aid s wit h the

8.5 pts

Th e wri tin g co nta ins va rie d wo rd ch oic e an d se nte nc e str uct ur es tha t cla rif y ide as an d aid wit h the flo w of

7.5 pts

The writ ing con tain s wor d cho ice and sen ten ce str uct ure s that can be revi sed for bett er clar ific atio n of ide as and flo w of ide as.

6.0 pts

The writ ing con tain s wor din g and sen ten ce str uct ure s tha t are aw kw ard and /or unc lear , imp edi ng the clar ity and flo w of ide as.

0 . 0 p t s

N o e f f o r t

10.0 pts

flo w of ide as.

ide as.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome


10 .0 pt s

Th e wr iti ng m ai nt ai ns thi rd- pe rs on po int of vi ew /o bj ec tiv e vo ic e thr ou gh ou

8. 5 pt s

Th e wr iti ng m ai nt ai ns thi rd- pe rs on po int of vi ew /o bj ec tiv e vo ic e thr ou gh ou

7. 5 pt s

Th e wr iti ng ha s so m e de vi ati on fro m thi rd- pe rs on po int of vi ew /o bj ec tiv e vo

6. 0 pt s

Th e wr iti ng de vi at es si gn ifi ca ntl y fro m thi rd- pe rs on po int of vi ew /o bj ec tiv e

0 . 0 p t s

N o e f f o r t

10.0 pts

t th e en tir e te xt.

t m uc h of th e te xt.

ic e th at ne ed s to be re vi se d so as no t to so un d bi as ed or pa tro ni zi ng .

vo ic e th at ne ed s to be re vi se d so as no t to so un d bi as ed or pa tro ni zi ng .

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

APA Format

10 .0 pt s

Al l s o ur ce s ar e pr o p er ly in te gr at e d a n d ci te d in th e te xt a n d re fe re n ce s

8. 5 pt s

M o st s o ur ce s ar e in te gr at e d a n d ci te d in th e te xt a n d re fe re n ce s p a g e.

7 . 5 p t s

M o s t s o u r c e s a r e i n t e g r a t e d a n d c it e d i n t h e t e

6. 0 pt s

S ou rc es ar e no t pr op erl y int eg ra te d/ cit ed in th e te xt/ re fe re nc es pa ge . Fo r m att in g co nt

0 . 0 p t s

N o e f f o r t

10.0 pts

p a g e d e m o n st ra ti n g a m as te ry of in te gr at in g re s o ur ce s a n d A P A fo r m at .

S o m e m in or er ro rs m ay ex is t in in te gr at io n a n d/ or ci ta ti o n, b ut it d o es n ot in te rf er e wi th u

x t a n d r e f e r e n c e s p a g e . S o m e e r r o r s m a y e x i s t i n i n t e g r a

ai ns se ve ral er ro rs th at su gg es t a la ck of un de rs ta nd in g of th e int eg ra tio n of re so ur ce s an d A P A fo r

n d er st a n di n g th e s o ur ce of th e in fo r m at io n.

ti o n a n d / o r c it a ti o n t h a t n e e d t o b e a d d r e s s e d t o c l a ri f y t h e

m at.

s o u r c e o f i n f o r m a ti o n .

Total Points: 175.0

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Pro-Con Position paper

Home>Nursing homework help>Pro-Con Position paper
Pro-Con Position Paper Grading Rubric – 175 pts

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome


5.0 pts

Meets length requirement

0.0 pts

Does not meet length requirement

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Point Analysis

30.0 pts

The central idea is develope d and expanded with depth of critical thought.

25.5 pts

The central idea is discer nible and develo ped.

22.5 pts

The central idea needs more developme nt with points tying back to the thesis.

18.0 pts

The central idea is not develope d, and the analysis lacks critical thought.

0.0 pts

No effo rt

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome


30.0 pts

The writing support s claims with several detailed and persuas ive exampl es. The paper effectiv ely demons trates academ ically credible researc h includin g two peer-re viewed resourc es to support the claims and exampl es.

25.5 pts

The writing support s claims with example s, but addition al analysis or example s could strength en the argume nt. Peer-rev iewed and academi c level resourc es are present, but could be strength ened through number and use to support claims and example s.

22.5 pts

The writing supports claims with examples , but the examples are not well-deve loped or examined . Additiona l examples and analysis are needed to make the argument more persuasiv e. Some quality research is present, but overall effectiven ess and reliability in research and support are not fully demonstr ated.

18.0 pts

The centra l idea is not well-s uppor ted by claims and/or exam ples. Credi bility in resear ch and resour ces has not been well establ ished to suppo rt claims and exam ples.

0.0 pts

No eff ort

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Counterp oint

30.0 pts

The paper effectiv ely introdu ces counte rpoints by establi shing credibi lity of source s and detailin g the eviden ce from the source s and presen ts conces sions of the counte rpoints .

25.5 pts

The paper introdu ces counte rpoints by establi shing credibi lity of source s and detaili ng the eviden ce from the source s and presen ts conces sions of the counte rpoints but may need to strengt hen analysi s.

22.5 pts

The paper introd uces counte rpoint s but may not establi sh credibi lity of source s or detail the eviden ce effecti vely or may not presen t conce ssions .

18.0 pts

The paper does not introdu ce counte rpoints clearly, omittin g the credibi lity of the source s or providi ng little detail of the eviden ce No conces sion is presen t or the conces sion is ineffec tive.

0. 0 pt s

N o eff or t

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Organiza tion

30.0 pts

Paper is clear and cohes ive. Introd uction and concl usion suppo rt the overal l flow of the paper.

25.5 pts

Pape r is basic ally clear and well- orga nized with a mini mum of non-r elate d mate rial prese nt.

22.5 pts

Pape r has some issue s with clarit y, flow, and cohe sion. Pape r lacks orga nizati on.

18.0 pts

Paper lacks organi zation and has difficu lty stayin g on track. Centra l theme s are difficu lt to identif y.

0. 0 pt s

N o ef fo rt

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Revision & Refinem ent

10.0 pts

The writing reflects the feedback received from instructor.

0.0 pts

The writing does not reflect feedback received from instructor.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Writing: Mechani cs & Usage

10. 0 pts

The writ ing is free of maj or err ors in gra mm ar, spe llin g, and pun ctu atio n that wo uld det ract fro m a cle ar rea din g of the pap er.

8.5 pts

The writi ng cont ains a few maj or erro rs in gra mm ar, spel ling, and pun ctua tion, but the erro rs do not detr act from a clea r read ing of the text.

7.5 pts

The writi ng cont ains som e maj or erro rs in gra mm ar, spel ling, and pun ctua tion that nee d to be addr ess ed for a clea rer read ing of the pap er.

6.0 pts

The writ ing con tain s sev eral maj or err ors in gra mm ar, spe llin g, and pun ctu atio n that imp ede a cle ar rea din g of the pap er.

0 . 0 p t s

N o e f f o r t

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Clarity & Flow

10. 0 pts

Th e wri tin g co nta ins str on g wo rd ch oic e tha t cla rifi es ide as an d ma ste rfu l se nte nc e var iet y aid s wit h the

8.5 pts

Th e wri tin g co nta ins va rie d wo rd ch oic e an d se nte nc e str uct ur es tha t cla rif y ide as an d aid wit h the flo w of

7.5 pts

The writ ing con tain s wor d cho ice and sen ten ce str uct ure s that can be revi sed for bett er clar ific atio n of ide as and flo w of ide as.

6.0 pts

The writ ing con tain s wor din g and sen ten ce str uct ure s tha t are aw kw ard and /or unc lear , imp edi ng the clar ity and flo w of ide as.

0 . 0 p t s

N o e f f o r t

10.0 pts

flo w of ide as.

ide as.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome


10 .0 pt s

Th e wr iti ng m ai nt ai ns thi rd- pe rs on po int of vi ew /o bj ec tiv e vo ic e thr ou gh ou

8. 5 pt s

Th e wr iti ng m ai nt ai ns thi rd- pe rs on po int of vi ew /o bj ec tiv e vo ic e thr ou gh ou

7. 5 pt s

Th e wr iti ng ha s so m e de vi ati on fro m thi rd- pe rs on po int of vi ew /o bj ec tiv e vo

6. 0 pt s

Th e wr iti ng de vi at es si gn ifi ca ntl y fro m thi rd- pe rs on po int of vi ew /o bj ec tiv e

0 . 0 p t s

N o e f f o r t

10.0 pts

t th e en tir e te xt.

t m uc h of th e te xt.

ic e th at ne ed s to be re vi se d so as no t to so un d bi as ed or pa tro ni zi ng .

vo ic e th at ne ed s to be re vi se d so as no t to so un d bi as ed or pa tro ni zi ng .

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

APA Format

10 .0 pt s

Al l s o ur ce s ar e pr o p er ly in te gr at e d a n d ci te d in th e te xt a n d re fe re n ce s

8. 5 pt s

M o st s o ur ce s ar e in te gr at e d a n d ci te d in th e te xt a n d re fe re n ce s p a g e.

7 . 5 p t s

M o s t s o u r c e s a r e i n t e g r a t e d a n d c it e d i n t h e t e

6. 0 pt s

S ou rc es ar e no t pr op erl y int eg ra te d/ cit ed in th e te xt/ re fe re nc es pa ge . Fo r m att in g co nt

0 . 0 p t s

N o e f f o r t

10.0 pts

p a g e d e m o n st ra ti n g a m as te ry of in te gr at in g re s o ur ce s a n d A P A fo r m at .

S o m e m in or er ro rs m ay ex is t in in te gr at io n a n d/ or ci ta ti o n, b ut it d o es n ot in te rf er e wi th u

x t a n d r e f e r e n c e s p a g e . S o m e e r r o r s m a y e x i s t i n i n t e g r a

ai ns se ve ral er ro rs th at su gg es t a la ck of un de rs ta nd in g of th e int eg ra tio n of re so ur ce s an d A P A fo r

n d er st a n di n g th e s o ur ce of th e in fo r m at io n.

ti o n a n d / o r c it a ti o n t h a t n e e d t o b e a d d r e s s e d t o c l a ri f y t h e

m at.

s o u r c e o f i n f o r m a ti o n .

Total Points: 175.0

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