Project risk Management
Assignment Content
. ( Resource: P r o j e c t R i s k M a n a g e m e n t G r a d i n g G u i d e Resources : o Baltzan, P., and Phillips, A. (2015). Business Driven Information Systems (5 th ed ) . o Week 5 articles o It is recommended students search the Internet for a Project Risk Management Plan template. Scenario : You are an entrepreneur in the process of researching a business development idea. As you create a high-level Information Technology (IT) strategy for your new enterprise, it is important to address risks to IT. A Project Risk Management Plan will guide the process of identifying enterprise risks and the appropriate steps to mitigate and manage the risks. The Data Collection Plan is intended to describe a high-level process for applying enterprise resources in identifying, analyzing, and mitigating IT risks. The Risk Management Plan is a working document, which is expected to change over time as new project details emerge. Create a high-level Project Risk Management Plan for your project in a minimum of 1,050 words which includes the following information: o A description of the enterprise IT risks o An assessment of the enterprise exposure to each risk o A summary of the highest priority risks o High-level procedures to mitigate and manage the most likely risks o High-level procedures to address business resumption and disaster recovery Cite a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed references from the University of Phoenix Library. Format? consistent with APA guidelines. )
Resource: Project Risk Management Grading Guide
? Baltzan, P., and Phillips, A. (2015). Business Driven Information Systems (5th ed).
? Week 5 articles
? It is recommended students search the Internet for a Project Risk Management Plan template.
Scenario: You are an entrepreneur in the process of researching a business development idea. As you create a high-level Information Technology (IT) strategy for your new enterprise, it is important to address risks to IT. A Project Risk Management Plan will guide the process of identifying enterprise risks and the appropriate steps to mitigate and manage the risks. The Data Collection Plan is intended to describe a high-level process for applying enterprise resources in identifying, analyzing, and mitigating IT risks. The Risk Management Plan is a working document, which is expected to change over time as new project details emerge.
Create a high-level Project Risk Management Plan for your project in a minimum of 1,050 words which includes the following information:
? A description of the enterprise IT risks
? An assessment of the enterprise exposure to each risk
? A summary of the highest priority risks
? High-level procedures to mitigate and manage the most likely risks
? High-level procedures to address business resumption and disaster recovery
Cite a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed references from the University of Phoenix Library.
Format?consistent with APA guidelines.