there is a power point presentation ,i have attached please , read it and answer these questions.
Week 2 Quiz
Answer each these questions in a paragraph with at least five sentences: Include the question and number your responses accordingly.
1. What kind of speech was the First Amendment written to protect?
2. Does the First Amendment apply only to spoken words?
3. What does it mean that laws regulating speech must be content neutral?
4. Why are common carriers prohibited from controlling the content of the material they carry?
5. How does the Supreme Court determine whether material is obscene?
6. Why have attempts to censor the Internet failed in the US?
7. Why not just ban spam?
8. Why did Facebookban Alex Jones and Louis Farrakan?
9. Should websites that show how to 3d print guns be banned?
10. According to the Supreme Court ‘anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority’. What does that mean?
Week 3 Quiz
Answer each these questions in a paragraph with at least five sentences: Include the question and number your responses accordingly.
1.What is privacy?
2.What risks,if any,does facial recognition software raise?
3. Howmuch information about you can be found on-line with a simple googlesearch?
4. How much information about you can be found bysearching government and commercial databases?
5. Describe informed consent.
6. Should secondary use of consumer provided data be available without notice to the consumer?
7. How do data mining and predictive analytics work?
8. Watch this ScienceFriday video by Ira Flatow. And, offer your opinion -Are advancing algorithmstaking our free will?
9. Should Facebookbe regulated, at least as far as it’s privacy and data policies?
10. How many public cameras is toomany?