link to MilitainmentInc :
4 pages double-spaced plut your image of the advertisements & adbusters
2 students may be asked to present their paper
Locate a contemporary military advertisement, online, or in a magazine, and provide a critical analysis of the ad using concepts from the course lecture, Militainment Inc., Chalmers Johnson’s chapter, Eisenhower’s speech and Smedley Butler. Be sure to include a copy/image of your advertisement (a screen shot).
Find the best anti-military adbuster you can OR you can create your own.
Search for anti-military recruitment sites and alternative production. Do you these visual anti-recruitment efforts are effective? Why or why not?
The multifold aims of this essay exercise are as follows:
a) To demonstrate your ability to analyze, deconstruct and critique an advertisement, and evince your understanding and ability to deploy and properly utilize the concepts from Militainment Inc. Draw upon the other readings we’ve covered where relevant.
Some of you have learned about Stuart Hall’s theory of encoding/decoding in other MCS courses. You are here to decode the messages of pro-miliary advertisements, and then decode the meaning of anti-military images.
You are welcome to create your own for the latter if you wish or find some existing one. Explain what is going on, to the best of your ability, in both the images you utilize.
This is your main writing exercise to show how well you can craft an academic style of writing.
Please attach/include the images you are writing about in addition to your 4 page essay. Be SURE to cite all your sources as footnotes or endnotes.