In reading When God Doesnt Make Sense (Dobson, 2012) and Caring for Sexually Abused Children (Kearney, 2001), (particularly chapter 6), what are 2-3 of the most important points you pulled from these readings? In other words, what were your aha moments as you read through these texts on why God would allow this to happen? Describe how these lessons and your readings so far have helped prepare you for helping families deal with difficult childhood issues such as trauma, abuse, or divorce. If you have personally dealt with or experienced any of these issues, has anything in these readings helped you? Challenge your peers to make practical applications from what they are learning.
Dobson, J. (2012). When God doesnt make sense. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House. ISBN: 9781414371153.
Kearney, R. T. (2001). Caring for sexually abused children: A handbook for families and churches. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press. ISBN: 9780830822461.