FINAL Examination CSE50 March 12, 2020 Instructions:
1. You may use any sources, including books, online sources, lecture slides, or lecture notes to answer the questions.
2. If you use statements or data from any source directly in your answers, you must add a reference to the source.
3. This is a test of your knowledge. As such your answers must be your own
work. No collaboration with other students is allowed.
4. A Declaration of Own Work, in which you formally confirm that the answers you submit are entirely your own work, is included with this final exam. You must sign this Declaration and submit it with your answers to the exam. If you do not submit this Declaration, your submission will not be graded and you will receive 0 points for the final exam.
5. Submit your answers and your Declaration of Own Work on the Canvas class
website in pdf format by 23:59:59 on March 17, 2020. Ensure that your name and CSE50 W20 Final Exam are clearly visible on every page you submit. Late submissions will automatically lose 10 points.
6. Read the iPremier case study below about the sequence of events during a
denial of service attack, and then answer the questions following the case study. The approximate time that each question is likely to require is indicated at the end of the introduction to each question.
Total points: 100
Question 1: (10 minutes) Exhibit 1 illustrates the services provided by QData. Which of the three primary cloud computing models does this QData service represent? Justify your answer in no more than 150 words. [5 points] Question 2: (15 minutes) 2.1) In 3 or 4 sentences, describe the failure mechanism in the TCP layer that caused the iPremier router running iPremiers firewall to no longer respond to a potential customers web access attempt during the DDoS attack. [5 points] 2.2) In 2 or 3 sentences, explain why the hackers could force the failure to occur at the iPremier firewall/router and not at other compute or networking elements that an attackers web request traverses and that also include the TCP layer (such as the QData router)? [5 points] Question 3: (10 minutes) In 3 or 4 sentences, describe the function of the Domain Name Servers (DNS servers) in Exhibit 1. Why were the DNS servers not the cause of failure during the attack?[5 points] Question 4: (10 minutes) The database server in Exhibit 1 contains a MySQL database management system. Among the tables in the database are 2 tables: Customers and Orders. Each table contains a field called name. Describe the result of each of the following queries (this will require you to do some research on the Inner Join and Outer Join key words in SQL): SELECT * FROM Customers INNER JOIN Orders ON SELECT * FROM Customers LEFT OUTER JOIN Orders ON [5 points]
Question 5: (30 minutes) 5.1) Describe the TCP/IP Reference Model layers that are traversed by a web page access request as it progresses from entering the QData facility on the internet to the iPremier web server, for each of the following networking and compute components: 1) the internet router at the QData facility, 2) the router/firewall in the iPremier cage at QData, 3) the ethernet switch and 4) an iPremier web server in the web server cluster. [10 points] 5.2) Illustrate your answer to 5.1) with a diagram showing the OSI layers implemented in each of these four components and the path of the web request through these layers. [10 points] Question 6: (20 minutes) 6.1) In 2 or 3 sentences each, describe four business processes that were poorly implemented at iPremier and that directly or indirectly enabled this cyber attack to succeed. [10 points] 6.2) If you were CIO at iPremier, what actions would you take to correct each of these business process failures? Describe your proposed actions in 2 or 3 sentences for each business process. [10 points] Question 7: (25 minutes) As the new CIO at iPremier, you decide that it is necessary replace the QData facility and services. You have narrowed your options down to three choices: 1) Migrate your entire data center to IaaS cloud provider Amazon Web Services; 2) Migrate your entire data center to PaaS cloud provider Microsoft Azure; 3) Build and provision your own data center. Identify two key advantages and 2 key disadvantages for each option. Describe each advantage and disadvantage in 1 or 2 sentences. Which option would you choose? Justify your answer in 150 words or less. [15 points] Question 8: (30 minutes) You have presented your proposal for replacing the QData facility (Question 7) to the CEO and Board of Directors and they have approved it, with one major caveat: they required you to ensure that the transition is seamless so that no lost business is incurred. You agree to describe your implementation plan at a special meeting of the Board within 1 week. 8.1) In preparation for that meeting, identify and list the team that you need to implement this transition (both internal to the company, by business function, and external hint: review the Cisco case study) [5 points] 8.2) Identify a countermeasure that you recommend the company deploys as part of this project that would significantly reduce the likelihood of a SYN Flood attack. Describe how the countermeasure would prevent SYN Flood attacks in 2 -3 sentences. [5 points] 8.3) You plan to use Lean Disciplined Agile Development (Scrum) to implement your proposal. In 150 words or less, describe to the Board of Directors how the Scrum process will enable you to accurately determine the time required to complete the project. [10 points]
CSE50 Final Examination March 12, 2020
I hereby declare that all answers I have submitted for the CSE50 Winter 2020 Final
Examination are entirely my own work. I further declare that I have not
collaborated in any way with any other student in the CSE50 Winter 2020 class in
preparing my answers to the CSE50 Winter 2020 Final examination.
Name: _________________________________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________________