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CSE310 Project 1: Maxheap, Modular Design, and File IO

CSE310 Project 1: Maxheap, Modular Design, and File IO

CSE310 Project 1: Maxheap, Modular Design, and File IO

Posted: Wednesday, 02/19/2020, Due: Monday, 03/16/2020

This is a programming project in either C++ or C, to be completed and graded on,

a Linux machine. You will perform modular design, provide a Makefile to compile various modules

to generate the executable file named run. Among other things, you need to have

1. a main program, which coordinates all other modules;

2. a module that provides utility services including command line interpretation;

3. a module that implements the max-heap data structure;

4. a Makefile which compiles all modules and link them into the executable.

For each module other than the main program, you should have a header file which specifies the

prototypes of the functions in the module, and an implementation file which implements all of the

functions specified in the header file. Your program should be based on the g++ compiler (for C++)

or the gcc compiler (for C) on All programs will be compiled and graded

on You will need to submit it electronically on Canvas, in one zip file, named

CSE310-P01-Lname-Fname, where Lname is your last name and Fname is your first name. The

zip file should contain a minimum set of files that are absolutely necessary to compile and execute

your program (it should include the Makefile, the header files and the implementation files, but not

the object (.o) files). If your program does not compile and work on, you

will receive 0 on this project.

You need to define the following data types.

• ELEMENT is a data type that contains a field named key, which is of type int. Note that ELEMENT should not be of type int.

• HEAP is a data type that contains three fields named capacity (of type int), size (of type int), and H (an array of type ELEMENT with index ranging from 0 to capacity).

The functions that you are required to implement are:

• Initialize(n) which returns an object of type HEAP with capacity n and size 0. This function requires you to perform dynamic memory allocation, given the demand n.

• BuildHeap(heap, A, n), where heap is a HEAP object, A is an array of type ELEMENT, and n is the size of array A. This function copies the elements in A into heap->H (starting from H[1]

and uses the linear time build heap algorithm to obtain a max-heap of size n from the given

array A.


• Insert(heap, flag, k) which inserts an element with key equal to k into the max-heap heap. When flag=1, the function does not do any additional printing. When flag=2, the function

prints out the heap content before the insertion, and the heap content after the insertion.

• DeleteMax(heap, flag) which deletes the element with maximum key and returns it to the caller. When flag=1, the function does not do any additional printing. When flag=2, the function

prints out the heap content before the deletion, and the heap content after the deletion.

• IncreaseKey(heap, flag, index, value) which increases the key field of the heap element pointed to by index to value, which should not be smaller than the current value. Note that you have

to make necessary adjustment to make sure that heap order is maintained. When flag=1,

the function does not do any additional printing. When flag=2, the function prints out the

heap content before the increase key operation, and the heap content after the increase key


• printHeap(heap) which prints out the heap information, including capacity, size, and the key fields of the elements in the array with index going from 1 to size.

You should implement a module that takes the following commands from the key-board and

feeds to the main program:

• S

• C n

• R

• W

• I f k

• D f

• K f i v

On reading S, the program stops.

On reading C n, the program creates an empty heap with capacity equal to n, and waits for the

next command.

On reading R, the program reads in the array A from file HEAPinput.txt, calls the linear time build

heap algorithm to build the max-heap based on A, and waits for the next command.

On reading W, the program writes the current heap information to the screen, and waits for the


next command. The output should be in the same format as in the file HEAPinput.txt, proceeded

by the heap capacity.

On reading I f k, the program inserts an element with key equal to k into the current heap with

the corresponding flag set to f, and waits for the next command.

On reading D f, the program deletes the maximum element from the heap with the corresponding

flag set to f, and prints the key field of the deleted element on the screen, it waits for the next


On reading K f i v, the program increases the key of element with index i to v with the correspond-

ing flag set to f.

The file HEAPinput.txt is a text file. The first line of the file contains an integer n, which indi-

cates the number of array elements. The next n lines contain n integers, one integer per line. These

integers are the key values of the n array elements, from the first element to the nth element.

Grading policies: (Sample test cases will be posted soon.) All programs will be compiled (using

the Makefile you provided) and executed on If your program does not compile and

execute on, you will receive 0 for this project. So start working today, and do not

claim “my program works perfectly on my PC, but I do not know how to use”

(10 pts) You should provide a Makefile that can be used to compile your project on

The executable file should be named run. If your program does not pass this step, you will

receive 0 on this project.

(10 pts) Modular design: You should have a file named util.cpp and its corresponding header file

util.h, where the header file defines the prototype of the functions, and the implementation

file implements the functions. You should have a file named heap.cpp and its corresponding

header file heap.h. This module implements the heap functions.

(10 pts) Documentation: You should provide sufficient comment about the variables and algorithms.

You also need to provide a README file describing which language you are using.

(10 pts) Your program should use dynamic memory allocation correctly.

(30 pts) Your program should produce the correct output for the posted set of test cases.

(30 pts) Your program should produce the correct output for an unposted set of test cases.

You should try to make your program as robust as possible. A basic principle is that your

program can complain about bad input, but should not crash. When you need to increase the


capacity of the heap, try to increase it to the smallest power of 2 that is large enough for your

need. If you can use the realloc command to avoid copying the array. If that is not successful, then

allocate a new piece of memory.

As an aid, the following is a partial program for reading in the commands from the keyboard.

You need to understand it and to expand it.

#include “util.h”


int nextCommand(int *i, int *v, int *f)


char c;


scanf(“%c”, &c);

if (c == ’ ’ || c == ’t’ || c == ’n’){



if (c == ’S’ || c == ’R’ || c == ’W’){



if (c == ’K’ || c == ’k’){

scanf(“%d”, i); scanf(“%d”, v); scanf(“%d”, f);



if (…){


printf(“Invalid Commandn”);


return c;




The following is a partial program that calls the above program.




#include “util.h”

int main()


// variables for the parser…

char c;

int i, v;


c = nextCommand(&i, &v, &f);

switch (c) {

case ’s’:

case ’S’: printf(“COMMAND: %c.n”, c); exit(0);

case ’k’:

case ’K’: printf(“COMMAND: %c %d %d %d.n”, c, i, v, f); break;

default: break;






The following is a partial Makefile.

EXEC = run

CC = g++

CFLAGS = -c -Wall

# $(EXEC) has the value of shell variable EXEC, which is run.

# run depends on the files main.o util.o heap.o

$(EXEC) :main.o util.o heap.o


# run is created by the command g++ -o run main.o util.o

# note that the TAB before $(CC) is REQUIRED…

$(CC) -o $(EXEC) main.o util.o heap.o

# main.o depends on the files main.h main.cpp

main.o:main.h main.cpp

# main.o is created by the command g++ -c -Wall main.cpp

# note that the TAB before $(CC) is REQUIRED…

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) main.cpp

util.o :util.h util.cpp

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) util.cpp

heap.o :heap.h heap.cpp

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) heap.cpp

clean :

rm *.o


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max heap implement by c++

Home>Computer Science homework help>max heap implement by c++
CSE310 Project 1: Maxheap, Modular Design, and File IO

Posted: Wednesday, 02/19/2020, Due: Monday, 03/16/2020

This is a programming project in either C++ or C, to be completed and graded on,

a Linux machine. You will perform modular design, provide a Makefile to compile various modules

to generate the executable file named run. Among other things, you need to have

1. a main program, which coordinates all other modules;

2. a module that provides utility services including command line interpretation;

3. a module that implements the max-heap data structure;

4. a Makefile which compiles all modules and link them into the executable.

For each module other than the main program, you should have a header file which specifies the

prototypes of the functions in the module, and an implementation file which implements all of the

functions specified in the header file. Your program should be based on the g++ compiler (for C++)

or the gcc compiler (for C) on All programs will be compiled and graded

on You will need to submit it electronically on Canvas, in one zip file, named

CSE310-P01-Lname-Fname, where Lname is your last name and Fname is your first name. The

zip file should contain a minimum set of files that are absolutely necessary to compile and execute

your program (it should include the Makefile, the header files and the implementation files, but not

the object (.o) files). If your program does not compile and work on, you

will receive 0 on this project.

You need to define the following data types.

• ELEMENT is a data type that contains a field named key, which is of type int. Note that ELEMENT should not be of type int.

• HEAP is a data type that contains three fields named capacity (of type int), size (of type int), and H (an array of type ELEMENT with index ranging from 0 to capacity).

The functions that you are required to implement are:

• Initialize(n) which returns an object of type HEAP with capacity n and size 0. This function requires you to perform dynamic memory allocation, given the demand n.

• BuildHeap(heap, A, n), where heap is a HEAP object, A is an array of type ELEMENT, and n is the size of array A. This function copies the elements in A into heap->H (starting from H[1]

and uses the linear time build heap algorithm to obtain a max-heap of size n from the given

array A.


• Insert(heap, flag, k) which inserts an element with key equal to k into the max-heap heap. When flag=1, the function does not do any additional printing. When flag=2, the function

prints out the heap content before the insertion, and the heap content after the insertion.

• DeleteMax(heap, flag) which deletes the element with maximum key and returns it to the caller. When flag=1, the function does not do any additional printing. When flag=2, the function

prints out the heap content before the deletion, and the heap content after the deletion.

• IncreaseKey(heap, flag, index, value) which increases the key field of the heap element pointed to by index to value, which should not be smaller than the current value. Note that you have

to make necessary adjustment to make sure that heap order is maintained. When flag=1,

the function does not do any additional printing. When flag=2, the function prints out the

heap content before the increase key operation, and the heap content after the increase key


• printHeap(heap) which prints out the heap information, including capacity, size, and the key fields of the elements in the array with index going from 1 to size.

You should implement a module that takes the following commands from the key-board and

feeds to the main program:

• S

• C n

• R

• W

• I f k

• D f

• K f i v

On reading S, the program stops.

On reading C n, the program creates an empty heap with capacity equal to n, and waits for the

next command.

On reading R, the program reads in the array A from file HEAPinput.txt, calls the linear time build

heap algorithm to build the max-heap based on A, and waits for the next command.

On reading W, the program writes the current heap information to the screen, and waits for the


next command. The output should be in the same format as in the file HEAPinput.txt, proceeded

by the heap capacity.

On reading I f k, the program inserts an element with key equal to k into the current heap with

the corresponding flag set to f, and waits for the next command.

On reading D f, the program deletes the maximum element from the heap with the corresponding

flag set to f, and prints the key field of the deleted element on the screen, it waits for the next


On reading K f i v, the program increases the key of element with index i to v with the correspond-

ing flag set to f.

The file HEAPinput.txt is a text file. The first line of the file contains an integer n, which indi-

cates the number of array elements. The next n lines contain n integers, one integer per line. These

integers are the key values of the n array elements, from the first element to the nth element.

Grading policies: (Sample test cases will be posted soon.) All programs will be compiled (using

the Makefile you provided) and executed on If your program does not compile and

execute on, you will receive 0 for this project. So start working today, and do not

claim “my program works perfectly on my PC, but I do not know how to use”

(10 pts) You should provide a Makefile that can be used to compile your project on

The executable file should be named run. If your program does not pass this step, you will

receive 0 on this project.

(10 pts) Modular design: You should have a file named util.cpp and its corresponding header file

util.h, where the header file defines the prototype of the functions, and the implementation

file implements the functions. You should have a file named heap.cpp and its corresponding

header file heap.h. This module implements the heap functions.

(10 pts) Documentation: You should provide sufficient comment about the variables and algorithms.

You also need to provide a README file describing which language you are using.

(10 pts) Your program should use dynamic memory allocation correctly.

(30 pts) Your program should produce the correct output for the posted set of test cases.

(30 pts) Your program should produce the correct output for an unposted set of test cases.

You should try to make your program as robust as possible. A basic principle is that your

program can complain about bad input, but should not crash. When you need to increase the


capacity of the heap, try to increase it to the smallest power of 2 that is large enough for your

need. If you can use the realloc command to avoid copying the array. If that is not successful, then

allocate a new piece of memory.

As an aid, the following is a partial program for reading in the commands from the keyboard.

You need to understand it and to expand it.

#include “util.h”


int nextCommand(int *i, int *v, int *f)


char c;


scanf(“%c”, &c);

if (c == ’ ’ || c == ’t’ || c == ’n’){



if (c == ’S’ || c == ’R’ || c == ’W’){



if (c == ’K’ || c == ’k’){

scanf(“%d”, i); scanf(“%d”, v); scanf(“%d”, f);



if (…){


printf(“Invalid Commandn”);


return c;




The following is a partial program that calls the above program.




#include “util.h”

int main()


// variables for the parser…

char c;

int i, v;


c = nextCommand(&i, &v, &f);

switch (c) {

case ’s’:

case ’S’: printf(“COMMAND: %c.n”, c); exit(0);

case ’k’:

case ’K’: printf(“COMMAND: %c %d %d %d.n”, c, i, v, f); break;

default: break;






The following is a partial Makefile.

EXEC = run

CC = g++

CFLAGS = -c -Wall

# $(EXEC) has the value of shell variable EXEC, which is run.

# run depends on the files main.o util.o heap.o

$(EXEC) :main.o util.o heap.o


# run is created by the command g++ -o run main.o util.o

# note that the TAB before $(CC) is REQUIRED…

$(CC) -o $(EXEC) main.o util.o heap.o

# main.o depends on the files main.h main.cpp

main.o:main.h main.cpp

# main.o is created by the command g++ -c -Wall main.cpp

# note that the TAB before $(CC) is REQUIRED…

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) main.cpp

util.o :util.h util.cpp

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) util.cpp

heap.o :heap.h heap.cpp

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) heap.cpp

clean :

rm *.o


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