San José State University
Computer Science Department CS151, Object Oriented Design and Programming, 07, Spring 2020
Homework #6
This homeworks objective is to review and understand the unit on Java collections and how to use them in your Java application.
Exercise 1:
Define and implement a class that works with Java ArrayList
Method declaration
Accepts an array list of integers and sorts it in ascending or descending order. Make sure to account for cases with duplicate values. The method returns the sorted list.
Accept an array list of integers and swamps positions of the largest and the smallest elements. If multiple values representing largest/smallest elements are present then pick the first position. The method returns the modified list.
void table(ArrayList
Accepts an array list of integers, creates a table of unique values and the number of times each value occurs, sorts this table, and outputs it to command line.
Save this class and its definition into a file named
I will test your class with my own tester class using the API specification provided above.
Exercise 2:
Define and implement class Course. This class should contain the following fields: course name, course description, department, time the course starts, weekday the course is held on (for simplicity, let us assume the course only meets once a week). This class should contain getters and setters for all its attributes. This class also needs at least one constructor. Save this class and its definition into a file named
Define and implement class Student. This class should contain the following fields: first name, last name, age, gpa, major, department, courses. Age should be an integer value. GPA should be a floating point value. Courses should be a linked list of Course variables. Class Student should contain getters and setters for all its attributes. This class also needs at least one constructor. In class Student implement the following methods: addCourse() to add a new course, removeCourse() to remove a course from this student, sortCourses() to print out a sorted list of courses. Method sortCourses() should accept parameters to specify whether the sorting should be ascending or descending and also based on which course attribute to sort the courses. The output should be printed to command line standard output. Save this class and its definition into a file named
I will test your class with my own tester class using the API specification provided above.
Exercise 3:
Define and implement class Person. This class should contain the following fields: first name, last name, and age. Age should be an integer value. This class should contain getters and setters for all its attributes. This class also needs at least one constructor. Save this class and its definition into a file named
Define and implement class PersonTest. This class should implement main() method. In the body of the main() method you should create an array list of persons with the following Person instances:
Joe Smith, 40
Amy Gold, 32
Tony Stork, 21
Sean Irish, 24
Tina Brock, 28
Lenny Hep, 18
Sort your list of persons based on their age, both ascending and descending. Sort your list of persons based on their first name, both ascending and descending. Sort your list of persons based on the length of their last name, both ascending and descending. For each output, print the list out to command line standard output. These sort operations should produce 6 different list outputs. Save this class and its definition into a file named
In your class repo create a directory called Assignment6 and add all the files created for this homework assignment to that directory.
This homework assignment is assigned on 03/05/2020 and is due on 03/12/2020 before 11:59pm. Email your assignment submission to me at both and, as well as the grader at The subject of the email should say CS151 Assignment 6. Add your name as it appears on the class roster and the URL to your git repo in the body of an email.
Your code must compile and execute successfully in order to get full credit for this assignment. For exercise 1 and 2, I will test your class with my own tester class using the API specification provided in the exercise. For exercise 3, I will compile and execute file listed in that exercise description.
· Program with no compile errors (5 pts)
· Program executes (5 pts)
· Program outputs what is required by the exercise (5 pts)
A total of 45 points are possible for this homework assignment.
Object Oriented Design, CS151, Section 07 Spring 2019 Page 1 of 5