Contribution to Group Discussion Assessment
Levels of Achievement
Criteria Failed Unsatisfactory Marginal Developing Proficient Exemplary
Quality and Scope of Posted Content
0 to 5 points
No or irrelevant discussion participation.
6 to 8 points
Initial posting is not on topic; the content is unrelated to the discussion question; post demonstrates superficial thought and poor preparation. No depth in response to classmates; response does not relate directly, either conceptually or materially, to classmate postings.
9 to 11 points
Initial posting demonstrates a lack of reflection and answers few aspects of the discussion question; Development of concepts is not evident. Provides questionable comments of fails to offer new information to other posts; Responses do not promote further discussion of topic.
12 to 14 points
Initial posting demonstrates legitimate reflection and answers most aspects of the discussion question; full development of concepts is not evident. Provides relevant comments and new information to other posts; not all responses promote further discussion of topic.
15 to 17 points
Initial posting reveals a clear understanding of all aspects of the discussion question; uses factual and relevant information; demonstrates proficient development of concepts. Demonstrates understanding of other posts; extends discussion by building on previous posts and offering perspectives.
18 to 20 points
Initial posting demonstrates a thorough understanding of all aspects of the discussion question; uses factual and relevant information from scholarly sources; demonstrates full and insightful development of key concepts. Demonstrates critical analysis of other posts; extends meaningful discussion by building on previous posts and offering alternative perspectives.
Collaborative Communication Skills
0 to 5 points
No or irrelevant discussion participation.
6 to 8 points
Rarely provides useful ideas when participating in group discussions. Does not effectively engage with classmates by acknowledging and accepting other points of view. Publically critical of the work of others. Often displays unproductive communication that instigates a negative response rather than promotes collaboration.
9 to 11 points
Rarely provides useful ideas when participating in group discussions. Publically critical of the work of others. Rarely displays a positive narrative. Rarely shares with and supports the efforts of others. Sometimes causes undue tension or issues in the discussion forum.
12 to 14 points
Usually provides useful ideas when participating in group discussions. Rarely publically critical of the work of others. Often displays a positive narrative. Usually shares with and supports the efforts of others. Does not cause undue tension or issues in the discussion forum.
15 to 17 points
Routinely provides useful ideas when participating in group discussion. Never publically critical of the work of others. Always displays a positive narrative. Regularly shares with and supports the efforts of others. Maintains a productive and collaborative discussion with classmates.
18 to 20 points
Always provides creative ideas when participating in group discussion. Supports the work of others while keeping discussion on topic. Always displays a positive narrative. Regularly shares with and supports the efforts of others. Leads a productive and collaborative discussion with classmates.
Critical and Creative Thinking
0 to 5 points
No or irrelevant discussion participation.
6 to 8 points
Demonstrates a lack of proficiency in conceptualizing the problem; viewpoints and
9 to 11 points
Demonstrates limited or poor proficiency in conceptualizing the problem; viewpoints and
12 to 14 points
Demonstrates developing proficiency in conceptualizing and providing
15 to 17 points
Demonstrates considerable proficiency in conceptualizing the problem
18 to 20 points
Demonstrates mastery in conceptualizing the problem and presenting
Rubric Detail
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Levels of Achievement
Criteria Failed Unsatisfactory Marginal Developing Proficient Exemplary
assumptions of experts lack analysis and evaluation; conclusions are either absent or poorly conceived and supported.
assumptions of experts are not sufficiently analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated; conclusions are either poorly conceived and supported.
context to the problem; viewpoints and assumptions of experts are not sufficiently analyzed, synthesized, or evaluated; conclusions lack clear rationale.
and presenting appropriate perspectives; viewpoints and assumptions of experts are accurately analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated; conclusions are logically presented with applicable rationale.
logical perspectives; viewpoints and assumptions of experts are superbly analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated; conclusions are logically presented with detailed rationale.
Reference to Supporting Sources
0 to 5 points
No or irrelevant discussion participation.
6 to 8 points
Does not refer to assigned readings or other sources; fails to cite properly and/or cites questionable sources.
9 to 11 points
Refers to questionable sources. Attempts to cite sources with major deficiencies in citation format; fails to use two or more sources in initial post. Fails to use any source in response to classmates.
12 to 14 points
Refers to scholarly sources from assigned or outside reading and attempts to cite sources with few deficiencies in citation format; fails to use two or more sources in initial post.
15 to 17 points
Refers to and properly cites scholarly sources from assigned or outside reading and research with two or more sources cited in the initial post and at least one source cited in response to classmates.
18 to 20 points
Refers to and properly cites recent and relevant scholarly sources from assigned or outside reading and research with two or more sources cited in the initial post and at least one source cited in response to classmates.
Style and Mechanics
0 to 5 points
No or irrelevant discussion participation.
6 to 8 points
Writing contains numerous wordy, vague, or poorly constructed sentences. Frequent instances of grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors.
9 to 11 points
Writing contains few wordy, vague, or poorly constructed sentences. Occasional instances of grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors.
12 to 14 points
Writing displays a developing sense of academic writing with structurally sound sentences. 5-10 errors in grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.
15 to 17 points
Writing displays a proficiency of academic writing with clearly written and structurally sound sentences. Less than 5 errors in grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.
18 to 20 points
Writing displays a mastery of academic writing with clearly written and structurally sound sentences. No errors in grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.
Assignment Requirements
-31 to -31 points
One or more posts contain plagiarism.
-15 to -15 points
Failed to meet assignment requirements and one or more submissions after due date.
-10 to -10 points
Failed to meet assignment requirements.
-5 to -5 points
One or more submissions after due date.
0 to 0 points
Met all requirements.
0 to 0 points
Met all requirements.
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