CM 3110
DUE: 2/16/16 7:00 PM
Steel Framing Plan & Details
What is an interior bay dimensions?
Exterior bay dimensions?
( _______ x_______ )
Identify joist designation and spacing at location B-C/4-5; 2nd floor
Identify the beam sizes for all stair openings
Where is x-bracing (bridging) required?
(2nd floor framing)
What is the TOC (top of concrete) elevation for the 2nd floor?
How many locations of cable turnbuckle
x-bracing are required?
What is the joist bearing elevation at column line A? (at roof)
What is the size of the kicker angle and how many locations required? (@ penthouse)
How many TS 5 x 5 x 3/16 (tube steel) posts are required?
Identify joist designation and spacing for
location B-C/2-3 (roof)
What is the joist manufacturer required to do in order to accommodate RTUs (roof top units)?
How many psf (pounds per square foot) of uplift are joist and joist girders to be designed for?
Names: (print)