BCO121 ETHICS IN BUSINESS Task brief & rubrics
On Week 11, your professor will kick-off with you the Final Project, and will comment on its most important aspects in the virtual session. The Final Project comes with a few guidelines, that you will have to follow up in order to be able to finish your document.
On Week 13 you have to submit your Final Project – document on Moodle (max. Friday of that week!) The session of Week 13 will be an extra tutoring session: you will be able ask the professor for last advice on your project
You are asked to choose an existing business (profit or non-profit) and prepare a report that evaluates their ETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTISE. The objective is to make an audit report, thereby assessing their business practises in terms of (choose max. 4):
– Corporate governance and finance (more information is provided in unit 6 of the course) – Marketing (more information is provided in unit 7 of the course) – Employee Relations (more information is provided in unit 8 of the course) – Sustainability (more information is provided in unit 9 of the course) – Technology (more information is provided in unit 10 of the course)
Each of the (max. 4) issues you choose, has to cover a minimum of 250 and a maximum of 400 words. The amount of words include:
– description of the activities you find and – the assessment of these activities (using theory, concepts and approaches towards ethics provided throughout the course)
The minimum amount of words to be used is 1000 (choice of 3 or 4 subjects), and the maximum is 1600 (choice of 4 subjects, 400 words each) You may want to include images/graphics etc. (for example from their website) to make your reasoning and argumention more visual and explicative Font: Arial. Size: 12,5pts. Line spacing: 1,5. Text align: Justified. Appendices and References, do not count towards the final wordcount but are strongly recommended (referencing websites, articles, books etc.)
Weight: This task is worth 35% of your overall grade for this subject.
Outcomes: This task assesses the following learning outcomes:
– Understand the concept of sustainability and its implications and become familiar with the main approaches to business ethics and corporate social responsibility. – Understand commonly-occurring ethical issues and dilemmas in managing businesses. – Relate ethics to the performance of organizations. – Determine how to improve the responsibility of business on respecting human rights and the natural environment, promoting human development and contributing to a better society.
Exceptional 90-100
Good 80-89
Fair 70-79
Marginal fail 60-69
Knowledge and Identification of the main Issues
Identifies and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the main issues / problems in the case study
Identifies and demonstrates an accomplished understanding of most of the issues/problems.
Identifies and demonstrates acceptable understanding of some of the issues/problems in the case study
Does not identify or demonstrate an acceptable understanding of the issues/problems in the case study
Application 30%
Student applies fully relevant knowledge to the situation provided
Student applies mostly relevant knowledge to the situation provided
Student applies some relevant knowledge to the situation provided. Some minor misunderstandings may be evident.
Student applies little relevant knowledge to the situation provided. Misunderstandings are evident.
Evaluation 30%
Student assembles a coherent response to the question, providing a range of support and justification that leads to a well-reasoned conclusion
Student assembles a good response to the question, providing support and justification that lead to a well- reasoned conclusion
Student assembles a fair response to the question, providing some support and justification that lead to a well- reasoned conclusion. Minor misunderstandings may be evident
Students response to the question lacks coherence. Limited support and justification are provided that may or may not be well linked to the conclusion
Communication 20%
Student communicates ideas extremely clearly and concisely. Compliance with the guidelines on font, size, line spacing and text align will also be taken into account.
Student communicates ideas clearly and concisely. Compliance with the guidelines on font, size, line spacing and text align will also be taken into account.
Student communicates ideas fairly clearly and concisely. Compliance with the guidelines on font, size, line spacing and text align will also be taken into account.
Student attempts to communicate ideas clearly and concisely, with some problems. Student does not follow the guidelines on font, size, line spacing and text align.