Assignment: Framing the Photograph
In photography, it is not always a simple matterof centering the subject in the frame and taking the shot. Twophotographers, when presented with the same scene, could end up with twovery different photographs. These changes may be based on what theychoose to leave in the frame, what they leave out, or the angle theyuse. As a result, the two photographs could convey very differentmeanings. In this Assignment, you will take a photograph, demonstrateelements of framing in that photograph, and then describe its meaning.
To prepare for this Assignment:
Review Chapter 1 in The Photographer’s Eye.
Compose a photograph that reflects the following framing elements:
Type of frame
Orientation of the photograph
Filling the frame
Placement of the subject of the photograph in relationship to the space surrounding it
Division of the frame
Horizon line
By Day 7
The Assignment:
Upload your photograph into a 2-slide PowerPoint presentation (Note: If you need assistance with PowerPoint, view the tutorial in this week’s Optional Learning Resources.)
Slide 1: Photograph with a brief description of the subject.
Slide 2: Write a 1- to 2-paragraph descriptionof how you used elements of framing in the composition of yourphotograph. Assess how effective you were at achieving your photographicgoal. Describe what you might do differently in future photographs.Support your assertions by making at least two references to your course readings.