6 pages paper WP #1 is a researched argument, one addressed to an academic audience. You should implement the classical Aristotelian model outlined in The Well-Crafted Argument. The topic is school violence in the US and you should build your argument around a main claim, one that addresses an aspect of the topic that you think needs further attention (you might consider, for example, the motives of the shooters, the home lives of the shooters, the school environment, the influence of peers, the policies at schools, the persistence of these shootings, the comparison of US school violence to other countries, the best way to prevent future shootings, etc.). You should also be sure to consider those who would disagree with your position and then refute them explicitly (and ethically). While you are free to gather additional source material, WP #1 differs from researched arguments you have completed in the past because the research has been done for you (the assigned readings your primary and secondary sources and the documentariesAfter Newtown and Killer in Our Classroom). Your job is to make a claim and then use the sources as evidence to support your claim. I expect you to use at least three direct quotations from the sources, including at least one from the primary source (Harris’ journal) and one from Staples or Wike and Fraser. Please cite your research in text using MLA style and include a works cited page (see the Purdue OWL for help).
Open to challenge
Complex and appropriate for academic audience
Carefully worded
Use of Appeals
Logos, Pathos, Ethos
Explicit, ethical consideration of opposition
Follows Aristotelian structure
(30%) Evidence and Research
Quality and Depth
Clear understanding of sources
Use of research (including 3 direct quotations: 1 from Harris, 1 from Staples or Wike and Fraser, and at least 1 more)
Direct quotes are introduced
Direct quotes are explained vis a vis the author’s argument no orphaned quotes
Development of ideas
Evidence and research work with/against one another to develop the ideas in the argument
Paragraphs developed fully
(20%) Style and Conventions
Meaningful Title
Accurate in-text citations (MLA)
Accurate MLA works cited
Edited and polished prose
Genre: Researched, Academic Argument
Audience: Academic audience
Length: 6+ double-spaced pages
Evaluation: The following criteria will be used to evaluate your revised, researched argument:
Content (claim, appeals and refutation, organization)
Evidence (quality, depth, and use of research, development of ideas)
Style and Conventions (format, citations, conventions)