The Assignment
For this assignment, you will carefully review your essay feedback and make revision choices.
After you revise and polish, you will submit your assignment for instructor grading.
Assignment Requirements
Here are the basic requirements for your essay:
(1) Your essay must be 4-5 pages in MLA format with an additional Works Cited page.
(2) Youmust use at least 4 sources in this essay, two of which MUST beacademic journal articles. The other two may be journal articles orother credible, academic sources.
(3) Youressay must be organized with a formal structure, developed withconcrete evidence and analysis, documented in appropriate, ethical MLAstyle, and written with a formal, clear style.
Please use the following guidelines to help develop a successfulessay:
(1)Your essay should begin with an introduction that introduces the topicand ends with a strong thesis. Your thesis should state your argumentand its major reasons in a clear, concise manner. Think of it as amini-map of your paper for a reader.
(2)Then, you should include a background paragraph that offers your readermore information about the topic and its current debate (or relevanthistory). Make sure your reader is clear about the exigence of theargument; in other words, why does this argument matter NOW?
(3)After, you should include two to four paragraphs that identify your twoto four major reasons. Each paragraph should have a clear topicsentence that links back to the thesis, and you should support each bodyparagraph with sufficient, credible evidence and analysis.
(4)Before you conclude, please add aRefutation of Opposing Arguments,where you will present the opposing side or potential obstacles andoffer a refutation in order to convince your reader and eliminate bias.
(5) Finally, compose a conclusion paragraph that ties all of your paper’s points together and argues an overall significance.
(6)Each body paragraph should include concrete evidence from research. Youshould integrate your research smoothly and ethically. Use identifyingtags to
introduce your sources and show your reader an outside idea.Always analyze the significance of the research before you move on tothe next point! Example: In Jason Ree’s article, he notes that, “QUOTE”(32). This reveals that…
(7)Your tone and style needs to be academic and polished. This helps addcredibility to your voice. Reading aloud will help the most with this!Avoid first and second person in this style of writing.
Formatting Requirements
MLA format
You will automatically submit this assignment through SafeAssign, a plagiarism detector.The overall score noted in aSafeAssignoriginalityreport is an indicator of the percentage of the submitted papermatching existing sources. This score is a warning indicator only andpapers should be reviewed to see if the matches are properly attributed.
Scoresbelow 15 percent: These papers typical include some quotes and fewcommon phrases or blocks of text that match other documents. Thesepapers typically do not require further analysis, as there is noevidence of plagiarism in these papers.
Scoresbetween 15 percent and 40 percent: These papers include extensivequoted or paraphrased material or they may include plagiarism. Thesepapers should be reviewed to determine if the matching content isproperly attributed.
Scoresover 40 percent: There is a very high probability that text in thispaper was copied from other sources. These papers likely include quotedor paraphrased text in excess and should be reviewed for plagiarism.